Leaders Excellence Partners

are strategic human resource consultants, focused on a predicative and proactive audit of the competency of leaders, managers and entrepreneurs.

Our objective

Leaders Excellence Partners
  • explore, detect and determine the leadership potential of individuals and management teams,
  • accompany the development of leaders, managers and entrepreneurs,
  • assist big decision makers in preparing tomorrow’s management mutations.

Leaders Excellence Partners intervene over a large area and adapt to a wide range of decision makers:

  • Private and public enterprises and organisations
  • Financial organisations
  • Audit, strategy, human resources and communication consultants
  • Business schools, engineering schools, universities
  • Employees, students, individual clients

Our methodology

Leaders Excellence Partners

Leaders Excellence Partners have put together an original and specific methodology, ELMEVAL® the role of which is to reveal leadership potential. ELMEVAL® has been developed over the years and through the experience of Irčne Papaligouras, the founder of Leaders Excellence Partners.

Situated upstream from coaching, ELMEVAL® enables the exploration, description and projection of the management behaviour of individuals and teams. The novelty of the model resides in its taking into account through an assessment process of a multitude of dimensions constitutive to management profiles. During the series of interviews undergone by the individual to establish his management profile, ELMEVAL® will sweep:

  • the psychological, behavioural and cognitive facets,
  • the management facets,
  • the ethical and cultural facets.

With its global, open and evolving character, ELMEVAL® has been conceived in such a way as to adapt to new management techniques. The method has naturally integrated the results of work carried out in the domain of multiple intelligence and neurobiology.

Our offer is comprised of around forty specific products. These services are both adapted and adaptable to the clients needs.

Our consultants

The founder, Irčne Papaligouras, carries out assessments in compliance with high ethical standards.

Leaders Excellence Partners strives to offer excellent quality of service, in line with our founding values. To that end, we have formed partnerships with top-level professionals that are experts in their field and who are brought in as and when needed depending on the package chosen by the client.

The founder

Irčne Papaligouras, founder of Leaders Excellence Partners, has 30 years’ operational experience in human resources, strategy, organisation and information systems acquired while working with large global industrial corporations (metals, chemicals and energy).

In the last ten years, she was the human resources director in a major energy corporation, with specific responsibility for strategic career management for high-potential directors and executives. She also focused extensively on the issue of female leadership and international executives.

Irčne comes from a multicultural background and holds dual Greek and French nationality. She studied science and economics in the US, the UK and France. She holds respectively a Bachelor of Science from Brown University, a Master of Science from the London School of Economics and a PhD from Paris-Dauphine.

Irčne speaks five languages (modern Greek, French, English, Russian and German). She is a member of the board of directors of the Geochina association which promotes geopolitical links between France and China and of the Greek Cultural Centre in Paris.

Our ethical charter

This ethical charter is our commitment to our clients and serves as a guide to Leaders Excellence Partners consultants and employees when exploring, determining, providing consultancy on and developing the leadership potential of entrepreneurs, leaders and managers.

The guidance and support we provide, together with any educational, training and research activities linked to assessments, are also governed by this charter.

Respecting human rights and human dignity

In carrying out its mission, Leaders Excellence Partners ensures that personal integrity is respected.

This means:

Treating the individual who is being assessed with respect and without any form of discrimination, whether due to ethnicity, gender, language, religion, political or any other opinions, nationality, class, status or place of birth.

Respecting the moral values of the individual that underlie the above and respecting his/her autonomy.

Personal values or information may not be used to oppress or arbitrarily invade the individual’s privacy or to attack the individual’s character or reputation either during or after the mission carried out by Leaders Excellence Partners. It also means that the individual cannot be induced to alter their values. The respect of human rights and everything this entails applies prior to the mission and extends after it ends. Leaders Excellence Partners representatives will, where necessary, outline the purpose of the assessment and the general conditions of the business relationship.

Privacy and confidentiality

When Leaders Excellence Partners representatives begin an assessment, they enter into a confidential relationship with them and are bound by professional confidentiality. Therefore, they must ensure that the individual’s privacy is respected and must also abide by confidentiality undertakings. They thus comply with the basic principle that no-one may be compelled to reveal anything about themselves. However, the individual will be made aware that holding back information may be misinterpreted and may lead to inappropriate recommendations. Transparency in this area is therefore an asset for the individual concerned. If the individual being assessed is not the instructing party, Leaders Excellence Partners will only provide the instructing party with such information as is strictly necessary to help them understand the individual’s management methods in order to improve how the organisation operates and to ensure that the employer uses the individual to their full potential. Apart from the business relationship, Leaders Excellence Partners representatives undertake not to use what they know about the individual assessed in any way that could be damaging for him or her. The confidentiality undertaking is binding after the business contract comes to an end. Leaders Excellence Partners will ensure that any documents arising from its mission are at all times presented and archived in compliance with its confidentiality undertakings. However, it cannot compel the instructing party to do the same. Consequently, Leaders Excellence Partners bears no responsibility for any future use of these documents by the instructing party unless otherwise agreed in advance. Where information is used for training, research or publication purposes, absolute anonymity must be upheld by deleting any information likely to lead to the individuals concerned being identified directly or indirectly. Consent must be obtained before any data relating to the subject is recorded (manually or using audiovisual or computer-based methods). Leaders Excellence Partners representatives will offer to outline their methodology to the subject in an understandable and honest way prior to carrying out any interview and will also answer any questions the individual may have. Where the business relationship is with an instructing party other than the individual being assessed, the latter must be informed of all possible consequences of this relationship. Leaders Excellence Partners representatives will outline the various conditions and undertakings by which they are bound with regard to both parties.

Quality requirement and competence

In carrying out its missions, Leaders Excellence Partners upholds the highest quality standards, and monitors and incorporates the latest developments in various disciplines (such as psychology, cognitive science, neurobiology, management, strategy, organisational theory and practice, etc.) where applicable to the interviewing process. Leaders Excellence Partners endeavours to achieve excellence in all its dealings with clients.

Solving ethical issues

Leaders Excellence Partners managers must deal with and endeavour to find an appropriate solution to any ethical issues that may arise when working with a client.


Leaders Excellence Partners managers may turn down any mission, project or theoretical or technical function that is in opposition to its ethical principles.

Credits © 2013 - Leaders Excellence Partners


For more information, an appointment or a simple message, please use the following form :

Leaders Excellence Partners - 171, rue du Faubourg Poissonniere - 75009 Paris - France
Tel. +33 1 43 29 44 33 / Mob. +33 6 22 32 56 74

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Best regards

IrŹne Papaligouras
Leaders Excellence Partners